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Brooklands Primary and Nursery School

Making Everyday Count

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Nursery Information



We would like to welcome you to the Brooklands Nursery, affectionately known as Nest. We are delighted that you are considering our Nursery for the start of your child’s educational journey.

At Brooklands we welcome children into a secure, happy and stimulating environment.  All children are offered equal opportunities to learn through a wide variety of play activities.  These are carefully structured to build upon the knowledge and experience which children bring from their lives outside school.


We encourage children to become confident, independent members of this caring community by helping them to experience success. By developing their self-esteem and self-confidence and showing we value friendship and co-operation, we help them to show respect for other people, cultures, property and their surroundings.  We allow them to make informed choices and encourage them to take responsibility for the decisions they make.


The staff provide a wide range of activities and experiences through which children can become confident in working and communicating with different adults and children.  They learn to express their ideas, to ask questions and to listen to the answers.  They learn when it is appropriate to join in with others and when to concentrate on their own activity. 

We aim to develop a partnership between parents and school which will be of benefit to the children, their families and the school itself.

We pride ourselves in being very approachable and you are always welcome to come in and have a chat if you have any concerns or you feel there is something specific that you think we need to know. If you think you may need a longer discussion then please make an appointment to see your child’s key worker.


We look forward to meeting you and your child and welcoming you to our school.



Nursery Session Times


The morning session starts at 8:30am and ends at 11:30am

The afternoon session starts at 12:30pm and ends at 3:30pm


Full time places are available. Parents who do not have a 30 hour code have the option of paying for additional sessions at £20 per session, which includes the lunch hour (although they will need to bring a packed lunch or pay for a school dinner). This needs to be agreed with Nursery staff and is subject to pupil numbers.

What to wear?


Uniform isn't compulsory in the nursery but the majority of our children chose to wear it. However if you decide not to send your child in the uniform please be mindful that they need to wear clothes that are easily washable and one that you don't mind getting messy! Please also ensure they can independently manage when going to the toilet. No complicated buttons or belts please!


School uniform is available to purchase from TRG embroidery. Please see the link in the home page.


Non-slip shoes or plimsolls that your child can manage independently are recommended (Velcro) 


All clothing needs to be fully labelled with the child's name.


Jewellery is not recommended but if your child does have their ears pierced then please can you ensure they have studs in during their time at school.  
