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Brooklands Primary and Nursery School

Making Everyday Count

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Food and Drink

We are a Nut Free School

Due to the increasing number of children with allergies to nuts, school have taken the decision to be a Nut Free School. 


Thank you for supporting us with this and helping us keep all our children safe.


School Meals


The menu can be viewed below.


School dinners are cooked on the premises in our school kitchen.  A school dinner represents excellent value for money and currently costs £3.25 per day.


If you wish your child to stay for school meals please contact the office to ensure you have log in details for parent pay. 


Free school meals


Free school meals are available to some children according to family income. It’s important to register for entitlement to free school meals, even if your child has a packed lunch – this is so we can receive additional funding (called the pupil premium) which we can use to help your child.

Children are entitled to Free School Meals if their parents, carers or guardians receive any of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Guarantee pension credit
  • Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, and an annual income lower than the limit set by the Government
  • Working Tax Credit Run On because you have ceased work or reduced your working hours to less than 16 per week

To find out if your child qualifies for free school meals, and for any help or advice, you could:

  • Contact Derbyshire County Council on 08456058058 or


click here for Derby County Councils webpage for free school meals.




Alternatively, children can also bring sandwiches if they wish.  Please do not send glass bottles or cans.  We would urge you most strongly to pack a healthy lunch box which avoids sandwiches containing jam or chocolate spread, include a piece of fruit and a healthy snack bar. Chewing gum, fizzy drinks and nuts must not be brought onto the school site.


Key Stage 1


From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a meal free of charge, funded by the government. =

However please click here to check if you’re eligible for free school meals, this will ensure your child still receives free school meals after they leave year 2.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be provided with fresh fruit each day for eating during their morning break.


Key Stage 2

Once in the juniors, free fruit is not provided but children may bring fruit or veg as a snack.  We would urge you to support us and build on the good habits established in the infants. Please refrain from sending in unhealthy snacks such as crisps and chocolate bars.
