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Brooklands Primary and Nursery School

Making Everyday Count

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Medical & Illness Information

  • For the prevention of illness spreading please keep your child out of school for 48 hours after the last time they have vomited.
  • We are not allowed to give any medicines in schools without WRITTEN CONSENT, and doses given are recorded.
  • Our First Aid Policy can be found HERE


The following guidelines have been taken from the Gov.UK website. If you are unsure whether your child can return to school, please contact the school office.



At least 5 days from the onset of the rash and until all blisters have crusted over


Diarrhoea and Vomiting                              

48 hours after their last episode


Cold and flu-like illness (including COVID-19)    

Pupils no longer have a high temperature and feel well enough to attend. Follow the national guidance if they’ve tested positive for COVID-19.



Their sores have crusted and healed, or 48 hours after they started antibiotics



4 days after the rash first appeared



5 days after the swelling started



They’ve had their first treatment


Scarlet Fever    

24 hours after they started taking antibiotics


Whooping cough            

48 hours after they started taking antibiotics

